How To Use Bungee Cord On Backpack? (Step By Step Guide)

How To Use Bungee Cord On Backpack? (Step By Step Guide)

When it comes to backpacks, versatility and functionality are key. Bungee cords, also known as shock or elastic cords, can be a valuable addition to your backpack, allowing you to carry extra gear or secure items conveniently and efficiently.

Bungee cords are easy to use; you simply tie the ends together and then attach them to the backpack. They are lightweight and strong and can hold a lot of weight. Bungee cords are also a great way to customize your backpack and make it your own.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use bungee cord on a backpack to enhance your outdoor adventures. Let’s get started!

Why Use Bungee Cord on a Backpack?

Bungee cords are a versatile addition to your backpack, offering several benefits:

Extra Storage

Bungee cords can be used to secure items on the exterior of your backpack, such as a jacket, sleeping bag, or water bottle, creating additional storage space for other essentials inside the backpack.

Quick Access

Attaching gear to the outside of your backpack with bungee cords allows for easy access to frequently used items, saving you time and effort during your journey.


Bungee cords are versatile and can be used in various situations, whether you’re hiking, camping, cycling, or simply commuting to work or school.

Here’s a complete post about What Are Benefits Of Using Backpack? (Top 5 Benefits)

Types of Bungee Cords

Before diving into the ways to use bungee cords, let’s discuss the types available:

Standard Bungee Cords

These are the most common, featuring a core of rubber strands and a woven outer covering.

Flat Bungee Cords

These have a flatter profile, making them ideal for attaching larger items or securing things evenly.

Adjustable Bungee Cords

With adjustable hooks or buckles, these cords allow for easy tightening and loosening.

Now, let’s explore the practical applications.

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How To Use Bungee Cord On Backpack? (Step By Step Guide)

Using a bungee cord on a backpack can be a convenient way to carry extra gear or items that won’t fit inside the main compartment. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Choose the Right Bungee Cord

Select a bungee cord that is the appropriate length for your needs. It should be long enough to secure your items, but not so long that it’s difficult to manage.

Step 2: Identify Attachment Points

Look for attachment points on your backpack where you can secure the bungee cord. Common attachment points include loops, D-rings, or webbing straps.

Step 3: Thread the Bungee Cord

Begin by threading one end of the bungee cord through an attachment point on the backpack. If your backpack doesn’t have built-in attachment points, you can create your own by looping the cord through existing straps or loops.

Step 4: Secure the First End

After threading the bungee cord through the attachment point, create a loop or knot to secure the first end of the cord. You can use a simple overhand knot or a more secure knot, like a figure-eight knot.

Step 5: Stretch and Secure

Stretch the bungee cord across the backpack, making sure it’s taut but not overly tight. Thread the other end of the cord through a second attachment point on the opposite side of the backpack.

Step 6: Secure the Second End

Just like with the first end, create a loop or knot to secure the second end of the bungee cord. Make sure it’s tight and won’t slip out.

Step 7: Adjust Tension

Adjust the tension of the bungee cord to ensure that it securely holds your items in place without causing any damage to the backpack. You can do this by sliding the knots or loops along the bungee cord as needed.

Step 8: Attach Your Items

Now, you can use the bungee cord to attach items to the outside of your backpack. Common items include jackets, sleeping bags, tents, or any other gear that you want quick access to.

Step 9: Check the Balance

Ensure that your backpack remains balanced and comfortable to carry. If the added items throw off the balance, you may need to reposition or redistribute the weight.

Step 10: Double-Check Security

Periodically check the bungee cord and attachments during your journey to make sure everything is still securely in place.

By following these steps, you can effectively use a bungee cord to carry extra items in your backpack while keeping them accessible and secure.

Safety Considerations

While bungee cords are incredibly useful, it’s essential to use them safely:

Avoid Overstretching

Overstretching can lead to the cord snapping back, causing injury. Always use the right length for the task.

Watch for Wear and Tear

Regularly inspect your cords for signs of wear, and replace them as needed to prevent accidents.

Securely Attach

Always ensure the bungee cord is securely attached to prevent items from falling off during your journey.

Also, read What To Do With Old Backpack? (5 Creative Ideas)

Popular Backpacks with Bungee Cord Systems

Some backpacks come equipped with built-in bungee cord systems, simplifying the process. Here are a few popular options:

  • Osprey Atmos AG: is known for its anti-gravity suspension system and integrated bungee cord.
  • Deuter Speed Lite: offers a flexible front mesh pocket with a bungee cord for easy storage.


I hope you found this helpful! This guide will help you understand how to use a bungee cord on a backpack. Using a bungee cord on a backpack is a practical way to expand your storage options and keep frequently used items within easy reach. With the right cord and proper attachment, you can make your backpack more versatile and adaptable to a variety of situations!


Q: Are there any weight limits for using bungee cords in a backpack?

A: While there’s no strict weight limit, it’s important not to overload the bungee cord to prevent damage or strain.

Q: Can I use bungee cords in extreme weather conditions?

A: Bungee cords are generally weather-resistant, but it’s a good practice to periodically inspect and maintain them to ensure they remain in good condition.

Q: Is there a risk of damaging my backpack when using bungee cords?

A: When used correctly, bungee cords should not damage your backpack. Ensure you attach and tension them properly to avoid any issues.


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